The realest expeirince you can get in a game.
The graphics otherwise,
The levels have whole new layer added to them making htem all the more realsitc to play through and even just look at. The apparment level and the old theme park are especailly good looking, even the warehouse in the beginning of the game has a huge amount of detail in it. The ingame videos look as lsick as ever while the game plays through quite well, the colour palet often makes you feel uneasy as it transfers that feeling from the first game, basing it on the valkir levels from the first, some missions are done under the influnece of heavy wounds and even drugs, This gives the game an almost dream look which is carried over well from the first one.
The gameplay,
In this secind game the gameplay is pretty much the same, the same responsive control, the same bullet dodgeing skills (alothough max aqquired a new skill that cause him to spin round riddling anyone close buy with bullets) and slow motion bits. This is deffintaley just as fun as the first game but with more challanging levles and the introduction of a new character, maxs new love and killer. this gives the game a dynamic twist that will keep you going
If you even remoltey liked the first one you will go nuts for this amazing game