A perfect squeal...

User Rating: 9.6 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne PC
I really hope they make a 3rd after Alan Wake and hope also Alan Wake is a game i'd want to play if i loved Max Payne. Max Payne 2 leads the story onwards and does a perfect job with it and it's every bit as good as the first and more so. The game really is more of the same in terms of gameplay and does a little bit more. Was also one of the first games i noticed to take advantage of the Havoc engine. The graphics were just AMAZING again for it's day and specially a massive step forward from the first. Only problem i had at first is i didn't like the face lol.

The storyline is more romantic and in many ways better than the first because of it and i really cared for the characters. It was told perfectly and even if you hadn't played the first you could watch a video on the Menu telling you what happened.

The humour is still there and theres plenty to explore for and listen to. The sound and music are even better than the first and it's just perfect.

In many ways Max Payne 2 has improved from the first and you'd expect it to be a failure like many other games, which makes it even more impressive. I really love the Fun house levels and the ending with Mona Sax too.

I just wish there was a great multiplayer to back up te single player but i'm not complaining as it was £30 well spent IMO in one of the best games ever made.