A masterpiece from Rockstars!

User Rating: 9.6 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne PC
This is just a simply MASTERPIECE!!! Just a superb game!!! Outstanding theme music (well, it is a bit sad), great romantic story between Max and Mona, prefect gameplay.... i played many similar action-adventure game like Mafia, GTA, blah blah... but max payne still great and even better than Mafia! Max payne 2 worth to buy since its length is a bit short....but i dun think that i will play it again, again and again....... I think max payne can a bit longer like Mafia, then max payne 2 is prefect. i exciting to wait the release of max payne 3 but it seems doesn't release any news about the max payne 3.......