While this is a good time, do not expect the same glory from days past!
The combat, as I mentioned above, is a fairly solid touch-up from the previous installments. Given all of the time between the second and this one, there certainly could have been some more polish. Cover in this game, especially in light of some other games that have hit the market in recent years (obviously Gears comes to mind, among others), leaves a bit to be desired. Getting into and out of cover can certainly be a bit choppy at times. Also, while the realism was not present, I do miss being able to carry an insane amount of weaponry at all times. This installment gives you a left and right handed choice, and either a dual-wield of those choices or a two-handed variant as your weaponry options. Again, realism is present, but not the sort of departure that was necessary given its predecessors. Max Payne was always supposed to be arcade in its style and play, with the realism present in the character's sobering story (pun intended, obviously) and gritty outlook. Another detraction from the majesty of Max Payne's world is the distracting artistic change from a feel of film noir to some flashy cut scenes that might initially confuse as being glitches or bugs. But my greatest criticism of this finale to the trilogy would have to be the way in which this installment seems to want to push you continuously from point A to point B. Similar to previous games, overtones of a conspiracy theory set in rather early, and while there are periodic clues hidden throughout all of the levels, the game seems to push you to advance through most levels. Furthermore, some of these levels place a time limit on you getting to the next room, without giving you any sort of time. This, in essence, discourages you from searching out these hidden story development pieces, and makes you feel as though you are somewhat on rails.
While this game is enjoyable, albeit a little difficult, it does not capture the same magic that the first two games exhibited. I am not upset that I purchased and played the game, but I do not imagine that I will tear through multiple playthroughs as I did the first two installments with the same vigor.