Max Payne 3 is the third and so far the last of the Max Payne trilogy that we do not know if one day will come back, and the game has changed a lot in relation to the previous ones, first that all the noir climate left, and that the game would happen in São Paulo in Brazil, is a very interesting idea, the game is very good and I even think the best of the trilogy, but he sins in portraying Brazil in some aspects, such as exaggeration in the words, I'm not talking about the Brazilian does not speak a bad word, but it is not that way of each dialogue of 10 words, 9 are words, this was very exaggerated and the TV is also very strange, the novels are more for the Mexican soap opera than the Brazilian, now talking about the game he keeps the essence of the series in its gameplay, and Max evolves a lot like characters, he carries sorrows and pains from his dark and sad past, something else he maintains and his style of telling his story, which makes it seem like we are watching a movie sometimes , the graphics are nice and the gameplay is good too, with still the slow camera, the final scene is simple but satisfactory, which shows that not every end has to be great to be good, and who knows we will have a Max Payne 4 Note 86
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