Yeahh max is back on action and is the same max you love, like he said in the game "time moves forward, nothing changes"

User Rating: 9 | Max Payne 3 PC
So after some years or a decade almost..Max is back and he didnt change too much but this is not bad at all.
The same formula that made Max Payne a great game in the past is here again but with a few touches.
There is not regen health (thank you so much for this!)you still need to take painkillers :D
Bullet time is better than ever and the dialogs and monologues of max are still great to hear :)

The graphics are very good and detail, the world and environment is very rich, same with characters, you wont find to same faces and believe me you will see a lot of guys through out the game.
Max movements are just great, the only thing I didnt like too much was that the noir style while not completely gone is not there like in the past games, some chapters are really shiny but the story and the way is told is fantastic as ever :)

The sound is very good, i didnt like the music too much but its just a matter of preference.
The voice acting is great as always, and you will hear a lot of Portuguese and some Spanish too but no most of the time there are not subtitles for that, but thats the point, max dont understand what they are talking about so the same goes for the player.

The story is great, I wont spoil anything but has some twist very well implemented.

The bullet time works great like always, now you can cover and you will have to use it a lot even if you use bullet time.

You can only carry some weapons at the time 1 big gun (shotgun, machine gun etc etc ) and 2 "little" weapons like guns, uzis etc) and you can use mix them to use them at the same time.
There are a lot of guns in the game but not all of them are available in the single player campaign sadly, like grenades and Molotov cocktails (the enemies use them -.- )

Another thing they changed is the comic tale story, now there are just cutscenes and videos :( and yes the game have a lot of them but is not like a lot of player said 60% cutscenes there is a lot of real gameplay maybe 10 hours, the game is not that short and not that long.

In conclusion if you are a fan of the saga you will not be disappointed and if you like action game you should buy it or at least rent it