Fun even though repetitive, and the multiplayer is very addictive.

User Rating: 8 | Max Payne 3 PS3
Another brilliant Rockstar game:
- The graphics were very good, just as good as GTA IV if not better.
-The single player was quite fun and quite hard even on normal, but the missions were very repetitive, each mission is killing about 200 people whilst trying to protect someone who eventually gets killed.
-I liked the collectibles (golden gun parts, clues,...), even though not as good as in Mafia II...., and having to get painkillers although in the first two missions I didn't really understand that's what you needed to stay alive.
-Good amount of guns in the game, although it's quite disappointing that you can't use grenades in single player.
-The manoeuvrability is a bit dodgy every now and again but overall quite good, and the slow motion jump is great, couldn't stop using it.
-I really liked the dialogue and Max narrating in the background.
-The soundtrack grows on you.

The multiplayer is also very good and very addictive:
-I like how after being killed you can see where you got shot and I love the statistics at the end of ever match.
-The maps are good.
-The manoeuvrability doesn't seem as good as in the single player sometimes, but again the slow motion jump is even more fun than in single player, especially when you jump off a roof, kill one guy in mid air and then swing round on the ground to kill the guy behind you (yes, it happens).
-You also get to paint the guns that you collected all the golden parts for in the single player in multiplayer.
-The customisation is also quite good.

Overall, Max Payne 3 was a very fun and cool game, and I congratulate Rockstar for another very good game.