A stylistic Red Dead Redemption side quest sold as a complete game.
The entire game is basically a really long side mission from Red Dead. Cover shoot, cover shoot, cut scene, cover shoot, cover shoot... you get the idea. It is a linear game that gets really repetitive and after a while feels like you are playing that old 2d shooting game at 7/11 with the gun and the holster except with Dead Eye from Red Dead tacked on.
If you like that sort of thing I guess you will like it but don't expect this game to be varied or in depth as far as gameplay. After the first chapter you know what you'll pretty much be doing the entire game (Which isnt much). I gave it a 7 because of how well designed the style is but passed that it's pretty hollow.
The multiplayer is pretty laughable with tiny maps and not much to do. I'm very picky with multiplayer though so you may want to try it for yourself.
I would definitely suggest renting this game before buying it.