Solid story, decent graphics, child like mechanics, not worthy of pc gameplay.
About the gameplay, linear maps only one way in, only one way out,no choices of any kind, child like aiming with a little dot (you can not stand behind your gun and aim), viewing angles while on cover prevent you from shooting, no good music until the last 20 minutes of the game. Every time a level starts or you cross a door it unequips your weapon and switches to pistol, sometimes the rifle glitches and it won't equip because your hand remains extended. No game saving just checkpoints.
After so many years I expected this game to evolve, from the epic bullet time and the magic rolling and shooting in any direction in slow motion. I wanted to like this game real bad but instead I found myself wanting to finish it. The voices where good there was no translation for the MANY portugues dialogues but I sort of made out with the idea since I speak spanish. The spanish dialogues were terrible with mixes of colombian, mexican and other out of place dialects for the scene, this also happened on the scarface game (Please do not play that ever).
I take my gaming seriously like a heart attack, I am an old man and do not have time to waste on just anything. I built myself a 3960x 32GB ram at 2000MHz / SLI GTX 580 and a 256GB PCI revo drive just so I can max out any game because I LOVE playing and have done so for over 25 years. My point with the hardware specs is that this game does not deserve a gaming rig, it is nothing but 300 dollar console style gaming. Not worth the install. If it was not for my devotion to the first 2 games I would have never finished.
This is not worth 59 dollars, this is worth an apology.
P.S. I gave it a gaming score of 7 because I do not want the max payne franchise to stop existing. I just want them to get their sit together.