An inebriated, cynical, pathological, logical, psychopath cop killing everyone. Fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Max Payne 3 X360
Pro and Cons review because I suck at reviewing games:


Story: The Max Payne character is cool and I love his dialog and Raul was a nifty counterpart. BUT..............

Game play: Typical third person action crap with a Matrix-style of game play with bullet-time and side-diving stuff but I loved it because of the physics and the how the enemies react to being killed. Plus adding a close-up shot of people being shot is alluring.

Content: The amount of content is pretty good with lots of weapons, costumes, single player and multiplayer side games like New York Minute or some scoring attack thing. The cheats (though hard to obtain) is really the best part of this game.

Graphics: Simply astounding. The character models as well as the environments are very detailed and finely tuned. Plus seeing skin being punctured in bloody brutal fashion by bullets is very nice.

Controls: IT CONTROLS FINE! Just face the facts: YOU SUCK AT THIS GAME!!!!


Story: The story is too simplistic. The twist in the story was too predictable and completely dim-witted. Most of the characters in this game were either too annoying, uninteresting or stupid. I wish you could just kill everyone in this game including the broads. URGH!!!!

Game play: Needed more back-round stuff to shoot at for more and better complacent kills. The hide and shoot aspect is getting redundantly repetitive.


Conclusion: Overall I think this is one of the best mindless kill-them-all games out there or at least for the Xbox 360 and/or PS3 in general.