Zen444 tell's you why this is the perfect action game you can pick up anywhere.

User Rating: 10 | Max Payne XBOX
No matter how many time's ive played Max Payne 1, I can never get sick of it. I don't know what it is that keep's me coming back to play Max Payne 1. Gameplay: The game is amazing to play, it's like art. Everything you do, looks cool. Max Payne's only ability that keeps him from becoming swiss cheese, is bullet time. Popularized by The Matrix, but bullet time has always been around. Mostly in old kung fu movies or generic action movies. The way Max Payne uses bullet time, is that he shootdodges(dives to left,right,forward,and backward.) and completely obliterates the enemies in his path. The games pretty linear, but that's ok. Your always moving on, and the game never get's boring. Anyone can play this game, so give the controller to anybody and they'll have a blast. Graphics: Still look amazing to this date, even though some objects can't be interacted with directly. All character models look sharp, nothing looks drab or ugly. The graphic novel portions of the game, are probably the highlight of the game. The game is almost like a comic book in a sense. Sound: Max may sound emotionless, but can ya really blame him? The bad guys sound hilarous whenever they have a conversation about... anything really. There is voice acting during the Graphic novel sequences, and they still sound great. Value: ... I'm still playing it. That's enough value right there. Alright, you can unlock some new diffuculties, play an extra level at the end, and that's about it. There isn't much, but it'll keep ya here for a long time. You have no excuse not to own Max Payne, it's just that good. It's got everything you would ever want in a game, it's just something you need to experience for yourself, there's really no explaining it.