Great Visuals, Distracting and Irritating Play Control

User Rating: 4.9 | Max Payne PS2
This game is gorgeous, and the perspective is unique and fantastic. Unfortunately, some controls do not translate as well from computer mouse (or gamepad) to PS2 as they could.

I had such high hopes for this game, but I am just not able to use both analog joysticks, the L1/2 and R1/2 buttons, and the button pad at the same time. Call me uncoordinated (despite the fact that I have been playing video games since before there were home video game systems!), but I don't want to give myself carpal tunnel syndrome from playing a game!

I would also like to state that "bullet-time" was a neat style of visual effect in the Matrix. It is not something I want to see in shooting games in the future, as it just adds a level of implausibility to an otherwise realistic game.