Max Payne is a very curious game choice. It's set like a graphic novel and plays like a John Woo movie. This combination makes it an extremely cool game. You get a vast supply of weapons and kill literally hundreds of bad guys in Payne's search for revenge. But with the bullet time feature you are able kill these hundreds of goons in super cool. Okay, The Matrix has used this feature to death and now everything has bullet time, but Max Payne was actually the first to use it and it's much cooler here. Graphically the game's less pleasing. At time the graphics fail (vehicles and building) while other times it does the job (blood, slow down bullets), it's much like GTA3 graphically. It's audio however is most impressive. Not only is there an edgy graphic novel storyline but there is also some well written dialogue which Max and the goons speak throughout. Plus the music is great. Overall, Max Payne's worth a look and is a really game. It's a little short, sure, but it has so many great features that should be irresitible to many gamers.
This game is awsome no wonder they made a part 2 and there are going to make part 3 and there making a movie of this game! The graphics of this game is great the sound effects is awsome. Also the storyline is amazing. ... Read Full Review
Max Payne is one of those games that comes straight out of now where and blind sides you. Upon it's release I heard all kinds of things that sounded so cool, being able to interact with all kinds of things and most notab... Read Full Review