The game that introduced one of the most overused effects in the industry.

User Rating: 8.8 | Max Payne PC
Max Payne was one of the first games that used similar bullet time effects as the Matrix. Being that this was one of the first it felt incredibly original and seemed like the coolest thing at the time. Although now I pretty much loathe games that use bullet time.

Max Payne brought two great things to the table. The first being the bullet time. You can go into bullet time for a limited period in order to dispatch your foes easier, and in some cases it can be near impossible to win a fight without it. And, with an array of weapons ranging from dual berattas to jackhammers (an automatic shotgun, not a drill) you'll have a lot fun going to see the bullets fly in slow-mo. The other great thing that was provided in Max Payne was the brilliant story and is probably one of the best in gaming. The story is told through a gritty comic, with Max narrating in the background. This keeps you hooke to the story.

Despite it's great effects and great story Max Payne does yield a few problems. For one I found that sometimes find the enemy A.I. didn't seem that smart. There were also a few levels that just felt really weird. The main reason though is because they take place in Max Payne's mind, but if your used to games that aren't totally normal (Metal Gear Solid series) these levels may seem normal, but for the all out action gamer they may seem a little out of place.

Max Payne, to me, is one of the most cinematic games to date. With it's thrilling story and great gameplay Max Payne will keep you playing till the end.