Max Payne Is A Fair Game...But Expected More Real Score: 7.1
Graphics: 7
Sound: 8
Value: 5
Tilt: 8
Max Payne was a fun game. It had a okay storyline and some cool action scenes, but I expected it to be better. There were a lot of annoying and pointless parts, such as, running to your wife and daughter in a nightmare; it was a waste of time for me. Moreover, it had a bunch of nice guns and it had fair graphics for 2001. However, once your done with the short storyline, which can be finished in nearly 5 hours, and you try out the unlocked modes you will probably get bored of it really soon. Overall, this game has a fun,but short storyline with some memorable moments, but Max Payne is an extremely overrated game, in my opinion. This game should only be played if you want to waste some time when your really bored.