Stiff controls, glitchy, uninspired...
Pros: Graphics aren't horrible.
Cons: Stiff. Glitchy. Confusing. Frusturating. NOT FUNNY! Uninspired. Combat is repetetive. Armor vendors rip you off. There's almost no fun to be had with this game. I forgot to mention earlier that combat is extremely repetetive! And in a sorry attempt to make it good, the creators made some enemys with shields! (Oooooh, creative!) But this actually makes combat more boring. It also seems like all that you're doing is killing a few baddys, taking a key and then opening a door to a new room where you can repeat the process again! PLUS I don't know about you but I can't watch one those crummy cinematics for 5 seconds without dropping the F bomb atleast twice! Trust me, this game is not cool. It's not eunique. This game isn't even OK! The only reason it's getting a 5 from me is because it can be best described as mediocre! Trust me, stay away from this game! Don't believe anyone else! Just stay away!