To sum up this game in a few words: The game is a Classic Hack-n-Slash Crossed with a Platformer. Amazingly executed! One of the Spiritual successors to Ghouls n Ghosts. This game is prettty amazing considering I picked it up for 18 canadian dollars. I was floored when I checked out the rating on gamespot to see that it got an 8.5 before I went and picked this game up since it had come down to an amazingly low price. This game doesn't pretend to be a "grand anything" it uses the same old tired cliche's and the story is very thin but if you had any more it'd just get in way of you actually playing the game but you see that's what's great about this game! What's there is so well executed the characters even though they dont have a lot of dialogue really start to grow on you just by what they communicate through body language. The art style, the music and the almost comedic voice acting at times in the small amount of cutscenes and spoken dialogue there is in the game is fantastic. Some of the NPC voices are little poor sounding to down-right bad considering all the main characters are so well voice acted. Gameplay - This game serves up some of the most challenging hack-n-slash action gaming and platforming ever in a game, period. Your character Maximo controls fluidly and accurately, which is so rare in many other action games of this type. There isn't a lot to know other then mash the attack button, jump and collect coins but the amount of moves and different weapons and items you can get in the game and the combo's show you that beyond some of the simple basic actions are strategic combo moves to use as strategies against the right enemy. The graphics - While simple they are so well done and try to capture the "live cartoon" feel it's amazing just how well the art captures the essence of an animated production without looking overly "computer generated". Sound - The sound effects in this game are pretty good, the voice acting has its highs in teh main characters and its lows in computer characters found throughout the levels as you make your way through the game. The best thing about this game though is the music, it's fantastic! It really gives an epic almost "I'm playing a movie" type feel to many of the levels, especially when it's combined with the fantastic pre-scripted sequences of peasants running from monsters and whatnot found throughout the levels. Value - There's not a tonne of value after you finish the game unless you are a completionist and have to get all the secrets, treasures and whatnot so that you get a "gold" rank that turns the levels circle on the map gold. The other thing is the game has two (and possibly three difficulties since I haven't finished it on hard yet). Overall - This game is a great game, my only complaint is that they could have really developed the characters more in this game, they have an amazing essence that has captured a story-book like feel to them that makes them feel alive. I picked it up for $20 and if you can find it for that or less definitely worth a buy, but not worth a 50 to 60 asking price when it was originally released.
The Second (And Apparently Last) Installment in the Maximo storyline. Maximo Vs Army of Zin, is a even better than the Original. With Far more weapons, the ability to play as Grim ( The Grim Reaper) and of course, killer... Read Full Review
If you thought you were good at games the original Maximo gave you a swift, deft kick in the groin to teach you a lesson. Waves of enemies and tonnes of platforms to leap across made it one hellish adventure. Essentially... Read Full Review