A crew of a janitor, 6 legged dog and a scientist battle aliens in hopes to save the planet in this thrid person shooter
You don’t just play the Janitor, you also play the six-legged dog and a scientist, both with very interesting gameplay elements. The six legged dog can arm himself with 4 weapons at a time and the scientist can pick up objects and combine them to make useful items and weapons, which can be used in the levels, this is a very original part of the gameplay. Together, you have to save the planet from a alien invasion. An added bonus to the game is the mini games in between some levels, most likely controlling a spaceship traveling though space avoiding rocks and scraps of metal. The weapons in the game are really creative, one of my personal favourite is the “Black Hole Grenade”, which simply sucks all the enemies in the area and destroys them, but you wouldn’t want to be in the area when the grenade explodes. The controls of the game are good, but may seem difficult at first, but truly fit the game and the dreamcast pad. The visuals to the game are extremely good and the Music adds to the craze to the game.
There isn’t much to say about this game. Bioware has again produced an excellent and challenging game. Believe me, if you want a challenging shooter with some puzzles, this is worth playing.