Despite It's Blister-Enducing Control Scheme, This Game Makes Up For It In Fun and Addictiveness

User Rating: 8.2 | Me & My Katamari PSP
The Katamari series has always been about funny, weird puzzling involving a cute character known as Prince rolling up balls of random stuff in order to satisfy the King of All Cosmos' demands. Well, this game is no different. It's a great mix of fun, comedy, and weirdness. Plus, it's on the Go! Who can't resist rolling up giant balls of Houses, people, buildings, cars, etc.

The music is recycled from previous Katamari games, yet still provides fun and enjoyment to the game. There are new presents to unlock and new cousins that are alternatives to the Prince. The game involves creating islands for animals that seek your assistance. They also involve various weird challenges as well. The graphics are just as good as the PS2 predecessors and suit the PSP well.

Now, here's the tricky part. The control scheme. This makes people want to kill Sony for not having 2 Analog Sticks for the PSP. You'll now use the directional buttons and the shape buttons to do the things that you'd usually do with the analogs. This works well and takes some time to get used to, but is the most logical thing to do for an illogical PSP analog problem.

Overall, this game is fun and addictive and possibly one of the best portable ideas yet, but the controls are impossible to ignore.