Fun Puzzler

User Rating: 7 | Mechanic Master DS
O.k if you want an action packed blockbuster this is not it, but if you want a fun puzzler that is not about sticking blocks together then give it a go.
This game looks very old school, and the concept kind of reminds me of a non particular Comadore 64 game.
This game is fun I don't know if it will have a lasting appeal yet but what I've played so far is enjoyable. It is a pleasant change for the DS, which has a lot of puzzle games but this one is different. It is a shame more effort wasn't put into the presentation as there was a great opportunity for some comic animations here that was missed, and the music is a little irritating. However for a game on the go it's good the levels are short enough to fit a few in on the bus without feeling like you've got no where. If you like problem solving puzzles give it a go.