Stomping through forests, fighting in between buildings, hitching a ride from your buddy. All of these come from the new Mechassault 2. When the first Mechassault came out it did what no other mech game could do. Show great graphics along with perfect gameplay. The old mechassault game was the most popular online game for the first 3 months it was out. Now Mechassault 2 comes out and hopefully will take the throne as well. There are many new features to Mechassault 2 that i really like but there are other features i dontl like. The developer really didn't care about improving the graphics that much because the game looks ALMOST exactly the same as the other. Though the tweaks that they did make to the game cannot go unnoticed. They put in heat dissipation after explosions and at the end of your afterburners when you jumpjet and the buildings seems to fall down a little better and this time you can actually see glass shatter when you shoot at it. The explosions of mech's when they die i thought was flawless and perfect and even though i THOUGHT it was the developer made it better and made it look more like a melt down of a power plant along with a natural explosion. The sound in this game is still perfect the explosions the stomping of the mech's feet and the crunching of a tree as you plow through it makes the whole battlefield come alive. If anybody has surround sound this would be the perfect test for it because to hear the ambient sounds around you and hear all of the laser fire, mortor fire, and gattling gun fire would just be heaven for any man. The gameplay in the game is the EXACT same as the last one which is good because i dont see how you could make the gameplay any better then it is. This game really only takes up three controls. The left and right analongs and the right trigger, so it is made with simplicity. Now the multiplayer aspect of this game is probably the best aspect because i can't see another game taking over what mechassault created. The sound of hearing your enemy cry because you killed him just before he got more health, or the sound of your enemey laughing because he just hacked your mech and shot you out of the cockpit. I must say hats off to Microsoft for making a console that can perform so well. So in conclusion if you like blowing things up, making your friends look dumb, and huge mechs. Well, if you don't get this game your life will not be complete. I haven't had more fun since "pong" :-D. Well, i'll see you on the battlefield as the callsign "Raven Darknight".
Other Helpful Reviews for MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf (Limited Edition)
I personally thought tis game was better than the first one. However, this game would be perfect if it weren't for VERY minor flaws: Graphics: Better than the first game's graphics but not by much. The biggest thing... Read Full Review
The Good: The destruction in this game is good, weapons on the mechs, and the mechs look nice. The Bad: The game's environment is boring and doesn't have a lot to it. The voice acting is terrible, and no customization. ... Read Full Review