I have never played the original but I dont think it can possibly compare to this 100 ton masterpiece.
A wide selection of mechs and wepons add to the the carnage too as you anihalate your foes in over 20 levels. Weapons vary from "crossbow" missiles to rapid-fire lasers with each mech having its own strenghs and weaknesses.
you play the mech warrior, the silent tough-guy and lone mech pilot in the group. "the group" consits of a moany old bat that will keep you up to date on mission objectives, a nother female (this time a pirate) and a computer geekish bloke that makes weapons and the like.
The plot revolves around a shady bunch named (rather craply) the world of blake. This army also has its own mechs and artillairy, with its goal bieng "world domination" (original)
one was addition is the battle-armour, a slightly over human sized suit with guns and the like built in. it also has the ability to hack into enemy mechs by playing a button-mashing mini-game that leads to you bieng able to steal enemy mechs.
The audio consists of some brilliant heavy metal ballads featuring artists like korn and papa roach. these tunes also compliment the gunfire and destruction of the mechs very well.
I cannot comment on the online modes (not bieng an online gamer) but by the looks of things the seem pretty sweet.
All in all mechassault 2 is a first class mix of stunning graphics and bass-thumping destruction thats definately worth your hard earned cash.