Fun, but can get boring at times...

User Rating: 8.5 | MechAssault XBOX
Recommend---Any mech fan, or anyone who enjoys a lot of action and destruction with huge robots battling each other

Not Recommend---People who think this game is going to be a new concept and very different

Right now, I just want to say that since I don't have Xbox Live, I never got to play this game online. I heard it was one of the best original Xbox games for Xbox Live, and judging from videos I've seen of it I'm giving this a rating of 8.5. I would have given it an 8, but the multiplayer seems really run, so I gave it an extra .5. So basically, this review is going to be for the single player portion of the game. The easiest way to describe it is that every single aspect of single player is both really fun and really repetitive and boring all at the same time. Simple. Every single mission is almost the same. You pick a mech to fight as, which are all really different and cool but can get old really quick, you start shooting at things and blowing them up, and then you do the next mission. That''s it. The graphics aren't even THAT great, either. The sound is probably the worst part, though. The same shooting noises can get really frustrating and annoying, and I HATE the people that tell you the mission briefing. They jump in ad much as they can in the middle of fighting, and they say the most pointless stuff that anyone can figure out. I just wish the never spoke. Once in a while, something new will happen in a mission, but not usually. But unless you play this game a lot, you probably don't realize it because you're having too much fun. Even though it's highly repetitive, it's also highly addictive at times. I love seeing new mechs to play as, and then seeing what they're new powers are. Destroying things is also a blast a lot of the times, and fighting other mechs is the best (although REALLY HARD). I can see how fun it would be on Xbox Live, though, and I wish I had it so much. I heard you can even download new maps and mecha to play as. I'm missing out on so many things from Xbox Live, but oh well. Most of you probably have it, so it's not a problem for you.

Conclusion---$3, folks!!! As repetitive as a game this is, it's worth $3. Especially if you have Xbox Live. You should definitely buy this game. Also, if you buy the non-Platinum Hits version, you can use it to hack into your Xbox to play emulators and stuff like that, and it's all for #3!! The only people I wouldn't recommend it to are people who hate all that robot stuff, like Gundam, because this is really like that and it would probably be so boring for those people. Otherwise, get this game.