A game that should appeal more to those who are or were fans of the Battletech Mechwarrior Universe

User Rating: 7.8 | MechWarrior 4 PC
I used to play the Mechwarrior 2 games, around the same time I was playing DOOM. Unfortunatly and fortunatly, the FPS genre has a much better selection of games than most Future Combat Sims.

Gameplay: This game, although it may not include all things from Battletech, has a large selection of MECH and WEAPON setups. I would have liked to see a role with Clan Wolf, one of the fiercest but smallest clans. Too bad they were mostly killed off. I find there is nothing more fun than storming down a large urban or outdoor battlefield, in a Mech both near realistic in engineering, and a scale as large or larger than any building.

Graphics: Had the developers added much more clan variety. Maybe a game that had it all, it would have taken longer. Then I would have been happier with a graphics engine powerful like X3 Reunion. Graphics are decent. but at it's core Gameplay is the best aspect of this game and its expansions.

Sound: Well, the voice acting wasn't all that great. It added depth to the game, if not painfully monotone. Put some soul into it people! For a 2001 game though, the sound effects and music helped very much with the games setting. You know, there is no fun running around in a mech, if its stomping footsteps sound like a stick hitting a large stone. So thats one part the game did well. Gave a sense of heaviness to the mechs.

If you like Mechs or Battletech, more than you like Transformers and other Anime style mechs (Mwa!) This is a game you might like.