A classic game that's not only underrated, but unjustly so.

User Rating: 8.6 | Medabots AX: Rokusho Ver. GBA
Medabots AX is a great game, but has it's shortcomings. While there is some great customization, gameplay, and graphics, it's extremely short, and creepily unknown.

Gameplay: 9

With so many parts comes many options. While the actual ways that parts work is varied in a medium amount of ways, there are 120 medaparts to collect, which means quite alot of single-player and multi-player is required to fully complete the game. While two weapons might both be 3-hit combo swords, one could be faster or stronger while being easier to break or slower. There is alot to customize as well, you've got the Head, arms, and legs, then you've got the medal; which Influences how well you do in melee, shooting, how effective your medaforce is, and what medaforce you perform when you use it. As you fight someone, your medaforce bar fills up (or if you stay still for a while, it fills up 3x as fast). Once you press select when it's up, OMG you use medaforce, which is different for each of the 12 medals. While your right arm is usually stronger than the left, it's usually slower, or limited in use. You take damage in each of the four parts, when one is destroyed, you can't use it (with legs it means their benefits are lost), which can't be replaced until after the fight. When you lose your head (it's random where you're hit), YOU DIE. You have a partner as well who provides SOME support, especially if it's a healer, but don't exactly try to save 'em, it's pretty much pointless.

Graphics: 9

Wow, this was really unexpected, the graphics are GREAT for a GBA game, really, they're pretty well detailed, from the great level looks to the awesome sprites for each part. Since you have different parts, the game doesn't use a different sprite for each customization, instead it brings the sprites together in a way that's not only hard to notice, but looks robotic, and really works well.

Sound: 8

For such an unknown game, it's music is pretty sweet. While it's overly dramatic, it's still really good, especially the ice level, that music rocks!
For SFX, the creators really did well, when a medabot gets hit, it sounds like hitting metal, even the lasers are well done. The only problem is that, due to the lack of customization, you cannot hear the SFX as easy as you should, the music is a bit too loud for it. Still, if not for that, it'd be almost perfect.

Story: 3

You've entered the tournament. Near the end of the game you win the tournament. Your prize is stolen. Then you get your prize back after fighting the enemies who stole it. That's the whole story. There REALLY should've been more here, there's no reason to replay the game since you don't get a story. I'd give it a 1 but for the last minute robbery. The game doesn't look finished, since it's so short.

Bells and Whistles: 5

You can trade with friends or fight (especially the trading). This would've been great, if not for the fact that nobody bought the game, and thus getting everything is impossible, they couldn't even have some form of game options or at the very, very least SOME KIND of option.

Overall: 8.6

A good game, but due to lack of advertising, length, and options, it's not gonna last that long. If it was at least ADVERTISED it would've made more money, and more people would play it. Still, it deserves some praise, especially with such robust gameplay and graphics, it just needed more people and length.