You ever wonder why there are so many WW2 shooters, it is cause the first one was so awesome.
Game play: The game is a first person shooter. It is different from first person shooters today since you will not regenerate health and shooting at enemies don't make them take cover or hide. This makes the game more like classic shooters like Golden Eye and Time Splitters. The missions are pretty varied from shooter to undercover to blow things up. In the beginning of every mission there is a message from a French rebel that tells you what your objectives are, you sadly have to read them which is weird since they are coming from a radio. In the beginning it is just kill everyone as you go to the end of a linear mission, but then the missions have multiple paths. Not all the paths are needed to finish the level but most of them lead to the different objectives (like set bombs, kill 8 officers, etc.) you are assigned to finish the level. Most of the time I found myself going down all the paths, so that means a lot of backtracking to go back to some of these paths. All of the objectives are needed since every time I get to the end of the level I will get a message like "Warning not all objectives done". After you are done with one level you are ranked out of 3 stars, 1 for just finishing, 2 for killing 95% of the enemy, and 3 for killing 95% and having 75% health. You earn medals and secret cheats from how well you do at the mission as a whole so you will need at least 2 stars on each level of the mission and 3 stars for cheats.
Controller: The controls are really different from first person shooters today. Some of the game's difficulty comes from analog controls. Luckily the options menu gives you option to have 1 of 5 controllers setting and option 4 is the closest to today's controls.
Sound: The voice acting for the head of the O.S.S. is really good, but for the Nazi soldiers is in English with a bad German accent. The music in the game in excellent it is all classic and orchestra and fits the mood perfectly.
Length: The game is 8-9 hours, but since you have to replay certain levels to some to the medals and codes you game should take you 12 hours.
Bad -The enemies in this game spawn at time right behind you in a fire fight so as you are taking cover from 2 machine gunners you will die because one guy with a B.A.R. spawned behind you.
-The game is really difficult since latter enemies can take 70 % of your health in B.A.R. clip at times and since there are no checkpoints in a level you will find yourself doing the same thing over and over again.
-The game also has a lot of glitches like how at lot of points enemies shot me through walls and other forms of cover.
Final statement: The game is really good but cause of the controls, and glitches I could not get this game a 9 like I wanted to, but it is still a really good game and the 12.99 I paid for it was well worth it and you should buy it.