The very first medal of honor game i ever played and one of the greatest shooter I've played.
User Rating: 9.2 | Medal of Honor (Platinum) PS
GamePlay: In Medal of Honor, you play as Jimmy Patterson and you have been summoned to perform several services during World War Two. So this is a first person shooter and you go around though buildings and tunnels trying to get something or blow something up and shoot Nazi's along the way while your at it. You get to use authentic World War Two weapons like the Colt.45, Tompson and M1-Garand which is pretty neat. The AI is accully not bad in the game, the enemy will get behind cover and try to shooter at your or will shift from side to side if there is cover trying to dodge your shots. There is also a multiplay portion of the game which supports up to four players on the consel. It feels alot like the 007 Golden eye game and Perfect Dark game. But unfortunately, there are a couple of downfalls to the Medal of Honor experience. Firstly, in a couple of the missions, I found the character getting stuck behind some boxes. Most of the time it was behind explosive boxes, so simply shooting the boxes would remedy the problem. The problem was that it would end up killing me in the process, resulting in having to start the mission from the beginning. Secondly, the multiplayer is a bit weak. After playing the extraordinary single player campaign, I was looking forward to also a great multiplayer game. It can be fun, but you might want to look at Activision's Quake II if you're looking for a more deathmatch oriented title. Graphics: The graphics are really quite well done concidering it came out in 1999. The in-game graphics are outstanding, with oh-so-much attention paid to detail, even down to the 'Achtung' printed on the alarms. The enviroment during the cut scenes really sets the mood for the game.
Sound: Well what can I say, this game has amazing sound. Everything from the voice acting to the shots of the guns and explotions are really well done. EA and dreamsworks have put alot of effort in bringing quiality sound to the game which just adds to the exitement of the game.
Value: All in all this is a really great game to play since it's so intense. The single player is definatly worth playing again and the multplayer part of the game should keep your busy for a while. All in all I give this game 9.0 out of 10.