It's good but not great...
-You jump from an airplane and you can land anywhere you want to on an open battlefield.
-Awesome Graphics.
-Well made maps and weapons.
-Awesome music
-You can sprint for and infinite time, unlike in CoD4 you can't.
-Upgrades to the weapons were awesome.
Bad things about the game:
-Terrible AI
-US Marines and German Nazis say the same things over and over.
-Very bad frame rate, though it didn't lag for me that much cause I use a 9800 GT.
-Only 2 sidearms?
-Weapons have way too much recoil, even if you applied the "reduced recoil" upgrade.
I actually found this game better than CoD4, the campaign in CoD4 is ever shorter, only 4 levels? But in this game you get 7 levels. And that's why I rate this game 7.0, it could have been better. But EA did a good but not great job with this game.