Although areas in Airborne have been done before, a lot of the gameplay is fresh and shows that WWII is not yet dead.

User Rating: 8 | Medal of Honor: Airborne X360
Medal of Honor: Airborne is another game in the long running series of WWII first person shooters. Each game was a lot of the same, dissapointing or not, but now, in Airborne, its a totally different story.

In Airborne, you take control of Boyd Travers, a paratrooper with the U.S. Army in WWII. As a paratrooper, you drop onto a battlefield, not run in on foot. In Airborne you are given ultimate freedom on where you go on the field, and each time shapes the battle in totally different ways. There are also skil drop areas, five in each map, that offer replayablity. But going through missions themselves in different ways adds enough replay value to it.

In Airborne, the locations you go into are in Sicily, with Opertion Husky, Operation Avalanche, invasion of Italy, Normandy, DDay, Operation Market Garden, the failed attempt to end the war early, and Operation Varsity, invasion of Germany itself. Although this sounds brief,the missions are long, with huge maps as your battlefield, filled with enemies and allies going ape at eachother. Each mission could take an hour to even more.

The enemies in the game had to be rewritten in entirely different ways since you had ultimate freedom when paradropping onto the maps. Although you may think this is hard, it actually was pulled off well. Enemies re very tough, and are good about flanking you, suppressing you, and surprising you. There is a problem with them though, and that is that they are crack shots, and can beat the **** out of you from long distances at times, which is frustrating, but as long as you go in from cover to cover, you'll be ok.

The gameplay, besides the enemies, is also improved. Parashooting offers more variety to it, but theres one other thing. This isn't technically a running and gunning game. Your encouraged to use the lean system, where you aim down your sites, unable to move, and then peak ou using the left stick to take out enemies. It works well, and is pretty solid, and a great way to fight, and a safer way.

Multiplayer is also a lot different, You got three modes, two exclusively to air dropping to the maps. Axis troops can have a blast shooting Allies down, but the Allies can land anywhere, like the single player, and then turn the tables on the Axis. Its fresh and fun, and should keep people coming back.

Overall, MOH: Airborne is a solid new entry into the series. Although many areas have been seen before, a lot of its new gameplay improvements are fresh and show that WWII first person shooters are not yet dead.