Airborne get's the Medal of Honor part right but kinda fails at the others.
The new addition to the series,Airborne folows the same path as the other games.In the campaign mode,you play as Boyd Travis, a paratrooper in the US 82nd Airborne Division.Mission include insertions into Sicily,France,the Netherlands and finaly in Germany each one begining with a jump behing enemy line.In each mission your are giving a number of objectives that you finish in any order you like.The game has a number of 6 missions that can take you between 40 min and 1 hour.It's short and it get hard in certain points.One of the most anoying problems in the game are the weapons.
The weapons are very clumsy and can be tough to aim because of the recoil and bad hit detection.This is one of the issues that make the game harder to play.The graphics aren't very impressive although it using the Unreal 3 engine.The textures are pretty good but nothing jawdroping.
Also the game has a lot of flaws and bugs that ruin the game experience.
Like once i saw a kraut runing over my head in mid air.It's should of been a little more polished.Also a good thing to point is the intense action of the game and also the music is top notch.The multiplayer is probably much better than the campaign with Allies vs Krauts.
Overall Medal of Honor Airborne gets the Medal of Honor feling,intense action and especially the sound but fails from being a great first person shooter.