The Bad , the good and the **** in one package ?
Decent story - but not historical Good graphics - some like more
Quite good battle feeling
Reasonable gun feeling and nice way of improving your skill by adding better stuff to your guns.
In between:
Some re-playability but as spawning pattern is the same all times... you know where the enemy will pop up.
Multi-player ... well, not my kind of playing but doesn´t feel too solid... lacking some features... needs re-work.
SHORT ... just 6 hours... (6 levels)
Game play is pretty linear. Yes, you can drop in a more than one spot but it goes basically like this... fix 3 objectives...then 1 more and then 1 more again.. end of level... so first part is usually semi-linear but you cant make the later parts of the level without doing the 3 first ones.
Blurs... especially in sniper scope if close object is in sight...focus on close object... plain annoying
MOHA classical spawn style... if you don't move forward, enemy will spawn forever...but if you push hard and fast forward beyond certain points, no new spawns... thus can explain why some claim 100 hours to complete (cautious generals) and some claim 3-6 hours (rushers - type guys). (Same behavior in old MOHA games...bad or good, personally I dont like it... especially if you are trying to take a control room with just ONE exit and there is unlimited number of enemies pouring out from it unless you get in)
Popping up rocket guys with sometimes awesome firing speed (1 shot every second) .. probably a bug.
Better enemies just mean more hits to kill, not smarter and they just get bigger guns. Nothing new there in other words.
Graphical glitches, lean into/through wall etc. (Not many but distracts from overall impression)
Hit/edge detection, sometimes you get killed behind a corner but not at the corner.
Clipping... yes, use sniper scope at some extremely long distances... you can shoot forever, because the target is behind a box or something but it is you move forward suddenly the box pops into view... annoying.
As a descent game for some hours of single playing its ok but the somewhat high price, well I don't know. Personally I feel it was somewhat overpriced. I would give it a 7.
Multi-player... I am not to judge it as I don't play too much on-line.
Just my 25 cents of thoughts of this game based on 25 years of computer gaming.