Despite the short length, this is a great game worthy of any WWII fan.
User Rating: 9 | Medal of Honor: Airborne PC
I must admit, i didn't have very high expectations for this game when i bought it. but i was pleasently suprised. first i was suprised by how well it ran on med high settings with my 8600gt and p42.8ghz prosseccor. Although you can get through the missions fast, i found it, and still find it, fun to replay them on different difficulty and try and earn all the stars, skill drops, and medals. Graphically, this game is abosulutely incredible. esecially the character modes. the one downside is, like bioshock, there is no AA, but if you have a nvidia 8 series card, you can force aa through the control panel. that's what i did, and it looks great. the sound is some of the best i've heard. because of my processor, i turned the sound quality down to low as this helps performance, but it still sounded amazing. you can unlock a video where they show the guys getting the wepon sounds, and they actually used authentic weapons to make them! the gameplay is fun, especially the fact that you can parashute in and land wherever your want to. Beware authenticity fans, airborne is not historically accurate in the least. the last level does not even exist. and the old moh cheese is back in a number of places. other than that, the weapon upgrades are great, and your teamates are actually very helpfull. this is definitly my favorite WWII game to date.