I expected more...
By all the previews and videos was very good. The demo was also good.
I expected quite a lot from it.
Story/AI/Interesting things:
Story is WWII of course , it might have been already done tons of times but it's still fun. The game itself was interesting , thought short. I finished it in 5 hours.
Even though it's WWII , somehow the nacis got super strong guys with a minigun in their hands and super strong armor that you can break through only after 5 reloads. Even if you target the head , it's takes around 6 headshots to kill him. Right. Even now , 60 years after the war there's such things. All the other NPC's are normal , and you can acctually kill them. Even though , AI is stupid , no comments here.
Graphics are good 'cos of the UT3 engine. Performance is also good , game it well optimized. Only one minus , that you can't break ANYTHING. It looks like in 1945 people where making tables (and everything else) out of titanium (with a camoflague of wood.. LOL)
Sound is very good. All weapons sounds very clean and good. Music is also good.
Most things are standard. Beside leaning and crone. These two are quite diffrent than in other games.
The game is nice , I expected more , but it's not a total letdown.