I came, I saw, I laughed...
The weapons have impressive audio and skins, but as usual with EA they are nowhere near accurate and authentic, in-fact, they don't really perform or operate realistically, the sights aren't blurred and are WAY too large, especially the M1 Garand, which is, once again, not reloadable in mid-clip (so much for historical accuracy). The MP-40 is fun to shoot but is let down because of it's sights which are WAY off center and shouldn't be hitting anything, and it's fictional "64 round magazine" which in reality was set on sliders to insert the next one, and only got to a prototype stage and saw action only on the Eastern Front for a few weeks. the weapons are mostly all like these, fake and unrealistic. They come with their own upgrades, they are not removable and only make things too easy, to kill masses of dull A,I whose only real defence is to throw grenades till they die, the upgrades are pretty much made-up at random and don't make a lot of sense from a historic and tactical viewpoint.
The prone has been taken out for gameplay purposes and it was replaced by a cheesy and rather unpopular "leaning system" which makes aiming your weapon hard and cumbersome, especially with the poor hit detection. The controls are OK and are kind of fun, but are too sharp and jerky. The Battlefields are CLEARLY un-researched and little or no detail was implemented, although the somewhat open levels make for a rather fun experience but after a few play-throughs, you start to see a scripted pattern in the A.I like the same enemy squads at the same place at the same time, every time, they have a set spawn point, and a set fall back point, so every play through is, I'm sorry to say, is scripted, I was very disappointed in this, because the developers claimed that it was completely different every time you play a mission, this was clearly a lie. The A.I also seems to stop fighting if you decide to go fight one of the other 3 or 4 other firefights, and wait around for you to return so the fight can continue, so it's basically a one man army cleverly hidden under the false promises of an open battlefield with completely un-predictable A.I, It is painfully apparent that everyone in the game depends ENTIRELY on you to do everything, and every other dialouge line seems to have someone calling out your name, like your in charge of the whole war, and everyone else seems like just extras, you REALLY get a cheesy "superhero" feeling in this game. There is NO teamwork of any kind in this game. Sure you can choose to land anywhere in the rather tiny map, that part's true, but if you wish to progress through a level, you will have to fight in one of the scripted engagements that the developers set for you. The enemy A.I is annoying and make little use of tactics, the "squad leader" is just a randomly picked soldier who waves his hands in the air making it seem as if he's doing something to influence the battle, but it never works, the same can be said about the Americans, who all seem to have the wrong ranks and insignias, a "Private" calls a Sergeant "sir" which would make him an officer, but in-fact, he's a non-com. then you start to hear random soldiers saying "yes sir" to anyone in his area. Clearly, no research was used in this game, the enemy is made out to be "Evil Nazis" and the Americans are the Heroes jumping out of the plane singing a melody as they are seconds from death. The patriotism is so overdone it's like almost a musical with all the heroic music in the background and everyone basically saying "Were the Airborne, you can't stop us! ", or "America, f### yeah!" It gets very old,very fast, and has no realism or authenticity on that part whatsoever.
The last level, called "Der Flakturm" is completely made up, it takes place in and around a Flak Tower in Essen Germany,(even though there is no such tower in or anywhere near Essen, and the 17th or the 82nd Airborne divisions have no records of a combat jump over or near any Flak Tower in WW2), and typical of Medal of Honor, the last level has that "End of the World" feeling. and there are these "Nazi Storm Elite" soldiers that calmly walk around the level all while under fully automatic machine gun fire and explosions wielding an MG-42 killing anyone in their paths, just like killer robots in a poorly directed sci-fi horror movie, they can take dozens of hits from any weapon and will just keep killing until enough grenades go off in their faces to kill them, and, of course, it's COMPLETELY up to you to kill ALL of them. I was truly in a state of disbelief when I saw these robots, or whatever they are, it was just too damn funny. The Paratrooper uniforms are actually well done as well as the enemy's but the Americans keep the same exact uniforms throughout the entire game, even the parachutes were incorrect, they were in-fact training chutes. The C-47s are well done and detailed as well, but they have the wrong paint scheme during the Horrendously pathetic Utah beach level, they have no Invasion Stripes.This game has got A LOT of issues, but is sometimes fun, providing you are either drunk or just got dumped by your girlfriend.