Medal of Honor Airborne is a fun game, to a point.
User Rating: 6 | Medal of Honor: Airborne PS3
If you didnt like the last MOHs in the past, I would not at all recomend this one. It is a very fun action packed game, but it didnt really fit in with the "good" catagory. I was extremely bored for the first 3 levels, in was constant straight forward missions. The cutscenes were horribly done, considering the graphics. In each level, your job is to blow up AA guns, destroy tanks, kill X amount of enimies etc. Starting into the 4th level I thought it would be the same as the last 3, but I was wrong. It turns out the levels got a little more interesting and the objectives were a lot better. There are 10 types of enimie characters. For example the first is a Italian soldier with a rifle and some grenades, and the 10th is a Nazi with a bullet proof vest and a huge machine gun. The higher the number, the higher the diffulculty. This game only has 6 levels, which apears at first as very little, but once into the gaming experience each level takes about an hour to an hour and a half due to objectives. One thing I found annoying in this game was that the only time the game would save was at an objective. You couldve killed 150 enimies in a building but if one more unexpectedly comes and kills you, you have to kill them all again. That was a total waste of my time, and thats why it took me about 9 hours for me to complete the game. If your just getting introduced to first person shooter games, this is the game for you, but if you want something flashy and really high end, i wouldnt get this game. If you really want to try it out I recommend renting it first. This is because the game easily frustrates you and makes you sometimes want to throw the controller through the screen. I still have to say its a fun game, once again to a point.