Medal of Honor Airborne could have been great but the sub-par ai ruins it for me
The new feature in Medal of Honor Airborne is being able to parachute out of the plane before every mission. While this is a minor feature this is actually quite fun. You can land in different places but it's not as free as you think, the game does limit you where you can land. But you can still land on rooftops and such, which give you an interesting view of the action.
The single player is quite short there is only 6 missions I believe but each mission is quite long. The length is barely average length for a shooter, but there is some replay value because of the new parachute feature and weapon upgrades. The weapon upgrades are simple, just keep using your weapon and a bar will fill, when the bar is full you will get an upgrade. There is only 3 upgrades for each weapon, one cool thing is if you pick up a German weapon during gameplay for ex. a STG 44 that weapon will be available for the start of the next mission. So you can use a German weapon at the start which is cool.
The actually shooting part of the game for me is nailed perfectly and is what makes this game stand out and fun. The leaning feature is fantastic you can lean left and right, and also up and down and controls really well. Much better then most games like Call of Duty. Shooting is satisfying and weapons aim more realistically then most wwll shooters out there. Shooting is pure and simply is satisfying and awesome, really that's all you need for a really good fps, and well some good ai. Which unfortunately the game fails at.
The ai is pure dumb, not the worst I have seen but still bad. Your friendly ai can't do anything, not even pretend to be shooting at the enemies. The only thing they can do right is melee, and almost every kill they get is from them using melee on enemies not shooting them. The enemy ai ranges from weak to superman, sometimes there dumb and don't notice you, or they are a sharpshooter. The ai really ruins the game for me.
Really Medal of Honor Airborne is a game that could have been great but is held back by bad ai. Even with it's problems Medal of Honor Airborne is still a good game.