Pretty much the best Medal of Honor game created. Thus, should be a game for any PC owner to at least try.
Your weapons, a BIG thing you need to remember about this game. You always have to know what weapons you are using at every specific moment. Like when you have to blow up a tank, obviously, grab a Panzerschrek rocket launcher. Take out a whole fleet of soldiers, use a sub-machine gun. It can be simple, but don't blow it.
The graphics in the game are pretty lame for current time. In 2002, they are decent. But graphics aren't important. The soldiers and people (same) are kind of messy in graphics. But the weapons are better because they aren't as difficult to make.
The story in the game is quite enjoyable. It is based on WWII and you take the role of a soldier who is in a whole pool of very important mission objectives. You will be rescuing important people in the force of just civilians. You will go from freeing people to stealing documents from your Nazi enemies. You are pretty much on your own in the majority of the missions so it can get hard depemdig either on the mission or difficulty settings set.
Your enemies are quite easy. The smallest amount of Nazis that can bring you down is probably 7 or 8 at once. It also depends on the weapon you have equipped. You will also have gaurd dogs and tanks on you. It is just a wide variety.
Multiplayer is probably a huge thing in this game. See, that is why I prefer this instead of Frontline. There is always a huge amount of servers available either Internet or GameSpy Arcade. It is a great way to shows off your MOHAA skills.
All in all, this is one of my favorite all time FPSs ever. Please recommend if you are a WWII shooter fan.