One of the coolest intro scenes in a WWII genre game.

User Rating: 8 | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Spearhead (UK) PC
I think about the most sleek feature in this expansion is the rocket artillery platform called Nebelwerfer (German for "smoke launcher") where it's prominent in a lot of missions. When you get to use it, you will notice it has a peculiar shrieking mortar sound effect that actually sounds quite cool.

The sound FX again maintains the benchmark of the gaming industry and the graphics are still impressive to look at. Even though the single-player campaign is a little too short, the game's intro scene will be worth your money. Nothing beats a parachuting cutscene where all hell breaks loose around you and you get to witness every mayhem helplessly from the gradual drop in mouselook before you land and get into action in a seamless manner. My salute again to one of the best intro scenes ever in a WWII game. Well, I think that may be the reason it deserved its own spin-off in MOH: Airborne. Lastly, it may be much more worth if you just get the MOH Warchest.
