Great Shooter, but it shows it's age shows now.

User Rating: 9.4 | Medal of Honor Frontline (Platinum) PS2
If you've ever seen Saving Private Ryan, you'll see alot of similar places, battles, and some new ones. As in the movie you play D-Day fighting on the beach and through a bunker. You go to the village where they meet the other Ryan. You even fight for the bridge, against Panzers, like the movie. The game has your standard WWII Weapons, M1 Garand, Thompsan, Colt Pistol, MP40, Walther Pisol, G43 Sniper, Spingfeild Sniper, BAR, StG44, Bazooka, Panzershreck, Shotgun, etc. Not a WWII simulation, by any means, just a fun shooter with somewhat simple objectives. Get to Point A to B killing 5,000 Germans on the way. AI is good, they flip tables, kick grenades, stick to cover, Use grenades, and Machinegun post. Great game for 20 bucks.