User Rating: 8.3 | Medal of Honor Frontline (Platinum) PS2
This game would be alot fun if the aiming was good, IT IS SO HARD TO AIM AT ENEMIES!! But I will tell you the whole story of that later in this sentence (you`ll see). The graphics are good (not as good as the Xbox) the frame rate come s to a 30- frames which makes it SO hard to hit enemies in the first level, I jus hate the part were I need to go on that bout and see all the bad frame rate in one time at a row, I just can`t get a nice graphical game in my hands: Halo for my pc sux, serious sam sux on my computer, and THIS now MOH has all the bad and all the good as FPS`s get on this bad graphical modem console called the Ps2.......Sigh :( The sound is the best I have heard, (not as good as halo`s sound track) the guns sound`s magnifsint and the sound track is awsome with it`s Movie kind of WB music with the horn`s and stuff like an action movie (I like that). The game is fun, I don`t know how long it is so forget about that. And yes the game is hard, it`s A.I. is very smart to: if your using a gun turret the enemy will find some were to take cover until they think of a plan to take you down, they will throw your grenade that you have thrown at them (our run from it), and will try to melle attack you as possible. The game plays OKAY but (here is the bad aim part) THE AIM IS BAD!!!!!!! The analog goes WAY to fast and when your using a sniper rifel at full zoom valosity it will go WAY to slow! They should of made an auto aim thingy our somethin like 007 golden eye. Oh well this is hoe EA has made it. MOH: frontline is a good game don`t think I hate it. If only the aiming was better! :x