PS2's first great FPS!

User Rating: 8.7 | Medal of Honor Frontline (Platinum) PS2
Medal of Honor: Frontline was the first game to prove that the PS2 could handle a FPS as good as a PC could (at the time). The graphics, gameplay and sound were top notch when this game came out.

Now it's been a couple of years... but this game is still greatly recommend even if the graphics do show their age and sometimes looked washed-up. The character models are not heavily detailed but the animation is excellent! For example, a soldier will fall/react differently if you would of shot him in the head instead of the torso. The levels are big and neatly designed and makes you feel that you are part of something big.

Contrary to the graphics, the sound on the other hand is still amazing. You will feel every bullet you fire and the ones fired at you. Explosions and vehicles sounds great and the Nazi's actually speak in German!

The reason why you should overlook the outdated graphics is the gameplay! By FPS standard's... Frontline is a huge game that contains 19 levels inside 6 missions. Each level is varied and has it's own distinct feel and objectives... you will take out bunkers, infiltrate a Nazi Mansion, ride a runaway mine cart and sabotage a couple of U-Boats etc. This game is more a Run and Gun type then it's PC counterpart... but that's okay since it suits the PS2 well. The only downfall of the gameplay is that there's no savepoints inside the levels... so if you die, you must restart at the beginning. You can only save after completion of a level.

So if you like FPS you should really give this game a try! I have enjoyed it greatly!