If you can be bothered with ANOTHER WW2 FPS, then there's something for you here...
It's hardly a new concept. In COD4 you pretty much rely on it if you want to land an accurate shot. Here, you don't, you really just need to aim and fire, but it makes life so much easier. Hold down A to take aim and line up your shot. It's actually amazing how much more accurate your shots become. In no time at all I was landing head shots. Some of the physical movements involved in gunplay works better than other. Firing an RPG has a nice touch, you hold the Wii-remote on your shoulder, the pointer facing away, in style of holding and actual RPG. Aiming is a little awkward with the analogue stick compared to the grace of aiming with Wii-Remote. Aiming a sniper gun is more awkward, turning the Wii-Remote to the right to zoom in and to the left to zoom out again, especially when you have to move it to change your aim. Throwing grenades is pretty cool though, swinging the Wii-Remote as if you were throwing an actual grenade.
The A.I, in both your enemies and your allies, is a little suspect, though. It's probably more noticeable in your allies since you depend on them to help you. They rarely land a shot themselves, and on more than one occasion I saw them aiming their guns in the opposite direction. The enemies tend to just stand in front of you and shoot as if saying, "C'mon, I'm here! Shoot me!" Those that do hide behind cover follow a very specific pattern when it comes to them sneaking out to take a shot so all you have to do is be patient and wait for them to give you a clear head shot. Other times I have seen the enemies shoot at me, but there's an obstacle in their way. Instead of moving to get a clear shot, they just fire into whatever is blocking their way...unless their gun isn't just sticking through the graphics.
If you get bored of the main campaign, there's always arcade mode, which is...well, the game in arcade version. All you have to do is point and fire. I like arcade shooters so I enjoyed this. There isn't really any changes from the campaign levels, you still have do do all the same things. This is okay for the most part, but gets a bit annoying at times. Sometimes you really don't care about blowing up a U-Boat, you just want to shoot. My major gripe with this version would be that your gun runs out of ammo pretty quickly, which means you spend a lot of time reloading your gun. And it seems to take a little bit longer for your gun to actually reload than is normal, or even fair, for an arcade shooter. We're only talking a fraction of a second, but as Master Millar said to Solid Snake, it's the difference between life and death.
Graphics are pretty good for the Wii. I don't know why so many people **** that the graphics are bad on this console. Sure, they're not up there with the PS3 and 360 graphics, but that doesn't make them bad. They look like really good PS2 graphics, and that's no bad thing. People are focusing too much on things like graphics. They don't make the game, good game play does and with the exception of one or two gripes, the game play's pretty good.