Decent shooting game that have rather awkward controls at first.

User Rating: 7.5 | Medal of Honor Heroes 2 PSP
For those who played shooter in PS or Xbox's might find the controls pretty easy to adapt to but those who play PC shooters might find the controls awkward and needs some time to adapt.Single Player grows better as you progress and Multiplayer can be quite fun.The good thing about the game is side mission objectives that may keep you busy in a mission for a while.However,multiplayer,though can be fun,is entirely ruined by hackers and glitchers alike.Though there is a vote kick function,it still ruins the mood.There is an acceptable amount of weapons,modes and maps but the game lacks interaction.Though if your a hardcore shooter pro or fan,buying shooter games in other consoles might be a better choice.==============================================================END=======================================================I'm doing this 'cause my review isn't long enough================sorry for the inconvenience================