I love playing this game and i love playing the online. This is up there as one of my favorite Wii games.

User Rating: 9 | Medal of Honor Heroes 2 WII
overall this game is the same as all the other Medal of Honor games but its way better. The major differences is the Wii motion controls and the 32 player online with the Wii. At first when i heard about the 32 player online i couldn't believe it. This is proof that 3rd party game developers for the Wii can deliver good products and not only Nintendo. I wish the single player or whatever you want to call it had a deeper story and it was longer. I am not sure if its just me but i like lengthy single player modes, that challenge you and make you want to play the single player over and over again. Almost everything is Wii motionized like turing on the radio which i think is great and all Wii games should have more motion controls than just the minimum.i also wiched that the A.I. was better and not so easy, but with online play i don;t really care because sometimes online can be challenging and very fun. So, at a conclusion this game is great and is one of the best Wii games ever, my favorite parts are the online and the use of the Wiimote.