it's a disgrace that turned me off the medal of honor series.
the single player was...ok but it was very repetitive. The controls were odd like for example the Panzerschreck you have the hold the wii remote over your shoulder the press fire i guess a strict rule for them. no fakeness in the game.
now the final part of the review the graphics it was ok for the wii not better than call of duty wii's but ok it was strangely cartoonish the way the run is very weird the face's, gun's and body's... apparently they dident put much work into that. The texture's for the environments were good but they were feeling lackluster and missing things It felt like I couldn't go behind a crate because it was too far away from the battle oh and the AI well they seriously suck!...the best parts of this game. 1. you can shoot peoples helmets off. 2. the weapon reloading sound on the wii remote. and 3. laughing at all the crap stuff about this scam we call a game.