A Great FPS for the Wii , that sets a Standard ..
Not only does it set the Standard for FPS Controls on the Wii
Its also the First Online FPS for the Wii
Campaign -
Very Short , i completed it in about 5 Hours .. and while it isnt the best part of the Game , it delivers .. for example , it features Unique Gesture Controls that you wont see Online or in Arcade Mode , you will find yourself moving the Nunchuck in circular motions to turn turrets , and Holding the Wiimote/Nunchuck parallel in front of you while monitoring a Gatling Gun
Arcade -
A Unique Feature to the Wii Version , you basically go through Campaign Mode but the catch is you will be On-Rails .. Great for those that enjoy On-Rail Shooters i guess , but i dont use this Mode to often since its just not my taste
Multiplayer -
Where the Game really shines , it uses EA Nation which means no Friend Codes (Thank God) .. so instead you make a free EA Nation account to use , but once thats all out of the way you enter the Online Interface in which you can look at the Leaderboards , your Profile and of course the Lobby .. now you should already know what the Lobby is but if you dont it basically shows EVERY Single Game going on , and you can freely Jump in and out whenever you like .. Lag is basically non existent for most people (Hence Most) .. each Game can have a Max of 32 Players , which is pretty Awesome although can be VERY chaotic
And thats basically all , Online is alot of Fun and very Addicting
Now if you dont have Wi-Fi then i dont really suggest this Game since its not worth it just for the Campaign and Arcade Mode , but if you have Wi-Fi then i highly reccomend a Purchase
(Oh and Note that on the back of the box it Advertises a Wiimote with a 4 on it , stating that it has 4 Player Split-Screen , FALSE .. so just letting you know ahead of time)
All in All i hope you enjoyed this Review , and i hope it helps you ^_^