Best FPS on the Wii, not so compared to other systems
This game really made me smile. Some aspects of it are simply outstanding, the controls, for example, are honed to perfection, giving by far the best FPS system in any Wii game.
The motions aswell just add that little touch that feels like a mini-game in itself while still integrated into the game. For example, you put the Wii remote on your shoulder, upside-down, to fire a Basooka! Genuis!
That said, as far as FPS games go, it isn't exactly deep. Shoot, shoot, shoot, reload, repeat. Enemies disappear in-front of you, team mates simply appear out of no-where, the cover system works...ish sometimes, and the rest of the time is a fiddly as all [cabbage]
All in all the game is a very good FPS port onto the Wii, and definately adds some interesting concepts. However if your looking for a revolutionary idea or a gripping shooter, stick to other consoles, because this one will leave you wanting more.