Not too shabby!

User Rating: 8.4 | Medal of Honor Heroes PSP
Well, I know how much I was disappointed by the slow responding and confusing controls of Splinter Cell E on the PSP, so I was naturally apprehensive about buying another FPS. I have to say, I was pleasently surprised by MoHH. Not only are the default controls easy to master after a few minutes, but the responce time for the cursor is adjustable from the settings menu! Hooyah!

The only thing I think I would complain about with this game is, I know the PSP is more capable of better graphics. Although they are "good" I would like to believe that they could be a little better.

I like it but I cannot wait for other FPS games to come out. I love playing FPS on PC so, I am probably being a little picky. That is why I am giving this game the benefit of the doubt and rating it a little high.

See ya on the field!
Sgt. SplinterCellSC20 - BF2
UDTseal - BF2142