Gamespot gave this game way too low of a score..
User Rating: 9.3 | Medal of Honor Heroes PSP
Medal of Honor: Heroes single player starts you off as 1 of 3 American soldiers in 1 of 3 locations in Europe. The missions are basically finding documents or capturing certain locations. The missions get repetitive and old fast, but you need to complete them to unlock the tons of costumes for online and skirmish play. Skirmish mode allows you to play from 1 to 16 bots in a deathmatch game. Too bad the A.I. is horrible. One of the things that really makes this game great is the extremely high level of detail, which includes houses with fireplaces and other things that make the game seem like you are really just thrown into a formerly inhabited city or village. The best feature of MoH:H is the online. It runs extremely smooth despite the fact that you can play with up to 32 people in a room. The maps are a perfect fit for this amount and spawn kills are at a minimum. Overall, MoH:H is a game with a single player played solely to unlock skins and a multiplayer that can satisfy your quick fix for action.