MOH Heroes is my best psp game. Read my review i have important information about this game.
but there something very very important for who have MOH hereoes 1 , i wanna say that there is alot of diffrents between MOH hereos 1 and MOH hereos 2,
in 2 there is only 7 map and 1 its 15 but the 7 on 2 its very big maps but borred, and in 2 there is no skrimish mode, you cant play death match in 2 and thats makes me sad because after you finish compaign mode you will have fun with skrimish mode but after ive finish hereos 2 ive get borred and know am playing hereos 1,
about online : as i said on hereos 1 you can play with 15 cool small maps and on hereos 2 you will play with 7 extra big maps and its borred because when you playing with 4 or 6 person you need alot of time to find them and thats borred.
so that why i recomend MEDAL OF HONOR HEROES 1.
bye and have fun--- my online user is RSOUB i will be waiting to kill you